The Cost-Effective Way to Lower Your Energy Expenses.

Learn to save some money on your electricity bill while also decreasing your energy consumption by 30% or more with the power of solar energy.*1628648146263*New%2520Project*png?alt=media&token=03eacc69-a75b-449a-817b-03486b68522a

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Why Work With Semper Solr*Screen_Shot_2021-06-22_at_5*19*33_PM-removebg-preview*png?alt=media&token=88d14e8b-47fd-4e71-b0b1-84fa9cc1098e

Reduce Consumption

Our team of experts is here to help you reduce your energy consumption. We'll walk you through the process of identifying energy-wasting habits and appliances in your home and provide solutions to fix them. Let's get started!*Screen_Shot_2021-06-22_at_5*19*10_PM-removebg-preview*png?alt=media&token=7b9995c1-e18b-4949-9e18-7387cca6cfbb

Increase Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is the primary goal of many homeowners. The energy-saving measures we'll show you can save you money on your utility bills, and will also help reduce your impact on the environment. Investing in energy efficiency is a win-win!*Screen_Shot_2021-06-22_at_5*20*02_PM-removebg-preview*png?alt=media&token=a4911000-9bc2-4361-bdfc-ee147bdfc7c7

Save Money - Go Solar

We can reduce your energy costs (and greenhouse gas emissions) with our premier solar panels. Solar panels can produce electricity from the sun. The sun is a source of energy that's free and clean, unlike coal or natural gas, which emits greenhouse gases when it's burned for electricity. You'll save money on your electric bill because you won't need as much power from the grid to satisfy your home's energy needs.*1628648146263*New%2520Project*png?alt=media&token=9af0a7b9-7072-4c75-a01c-29269fc36440

About Semper Solr

Semper Solr leverages extensive knowledge and exceptional customer service to guide communities toward securing the benefits of solar energy. The path to this cleaner and more sustainable future is facilitated by our team’s commitment to loyalty and transparency— all molded in the strong camaraderie we aim to bolster every day. Rest assured that while our competitors might outnumber us, we remain the most trustworthy and efficient in our craft.*274311302_1661696014189338_7271565314279443880_n*jpg?alt=media&token=a320322e-4902-409e-a03c-2e2e3ab4cdd3*1628648146263*New%2520Project*png?alt=media&token=a72229b7-df54-4263-8541-ba32912a38c6

Here's What To Do Next

Step 1: Fill Out Form Above

We’ll help you save on your energy bills and find more ways to live green.

Step 2: Schedule a Call

Reduce your environmental footprint and save money with solar energy.

Step 3: Save Money

Decrease your energy consumption and expenses in one swing!

We've Helped Hundreds of Families Like Yours All Over San Antonio Reduce Their Energy Consumption and Expenses

If reducing your energy expenses is of interest to you, simply fill out the form at the top of this page or click the button below.*1628648146263*New%2520Project*png?alt=media&token=01358050-aeef-486c-ba11-3105ea1098b9
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